Spirituality and Mediation
Each mediation is unique and reflects the needs and culture of each family. Every couple who meets with Ragen Mediation, LLC comes to the mediation room with their own priorities and hopes for mediation. It makes sense that for some mediation participants, spirituality might be a centering foundation on which to ground the mediation process.
It also makes sense that while a couple may not agree on everything (or may not agree on much at all!), they might agree that prayer, meditation, or a set of ground rules that reflect their religious/spiritual values be set in place. So long as the integrity of the mediation is not altered, this aspect of a family’s life is welcomed in the mediation room. Such an approach can even enhance a stressful experience by grounding couples and focusing them on their end goal; how to do what is best for their family and also how to do what is in the best interests of their children.
Does this sound like you and your partner? Reach out to see if Ragen Mediation might be a good fit for you, and we can all jointly discuss how to center the mediation in a way that is in line with your family’s spirituality. Kelly can be reached at Kelly@ragenmediation.com.