Trial Separation: Baby Steps to The Next Step

The decision to divorce or separate is a process that usually evolves over time. Questions such as “How will we split parenting time?”, “Who will stay in the house?”, and “Who will be responsible for the dog?” are just a few of the endless considerations when contemplating moving, separating, or divorcing.   

It becomes easily overwhelming and confusing. Sometimes, the endless tasks keep us paralyzed in situations that do not serve our emotional, physical, and spiritual needs. We continue to allow ourselves to be drained by people and relationships that do not allow for us to be our best selves. With energy zapped, our ability to think and plan for change is compromised. The cycle continues.

You likely want to move on to what is next and create change, but you both just “don’t have time right now”.

The truth is, family mediators often hear the following: “I wish I would have started this process sooner.”

Before taking the plunge into a permanent altering of the family system, why not take the first step toward change and schedule a trial separation mediation?

A trial separation is a period of liminal space; it is a time to determine if a more permanent separation or divorce is the right path for you and your family. If it is the right path, you and your spouse will gain a sense of what this permanent reality should look like as you “try out” the trial separation. You both feel things out as you go, and make adjustments as needed.

One way to create your temporary arrangement is to discuss and negotiate your ideas through the assistance of a mediator. The presence of a mediator alleviates some of the pressure, especially during such an emotionally volatile and raw time. Your mediator will start conversations relevant to your situation, reality check ideas, and keep you and your partner on task.

While on the brink of a brand new reality, it is a wonderful relief to have a third-party neutral present as you engage in sensitive and emotionally- activated conversations.

We would love to work with you on mediating your trial separation. Email Kelly today to learn more about trial separation mediation; she can be reached at


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